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Advice please from multiple RN NCLEX takers.....

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Just got finished with my 3rd attempt at the RN NCLEX. I am awaiting results which are still not posted. I keep saying to myself I don't know what I want to do if I see FAIL again. I told myself I would never give up, but I don't feel that I can continue to work where I am at after failing again. I wonder what my fellow staff are saying, what they think? I haven't found out the results yet, but I am hoping and praying that the saying "Threes a charm is right." Pray for me and also maybe some advice or words of encouragement would be helpful.
No words of advice...but Good Luck!

I said a prayer for you. If you haven't already, I recommend taking a review course like Kaplan or Evolve. I am taking my NCLEX in two weeks, so I can't guarantee they work. But pretty much everyone I know who took one of those classes passed. That or the NCSBN online class.

Best wishes to you!! My fingers are crossed...

I didn't find the Kaplan review to be particularly useful. If you don't pass, I would look into Hearst.

I took the Kaplan course. At first I did not think it was going to be helpful, but after taking the NCLEX, I realized that a lot of questions could be answered by following Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs (which Kaplan teaches). The Kaplan course taught me how to systematically go through Maslow's and choose the best answer (because there will be multiple answers that are good but not the best). I also used Saunders to study. Didn't find it helpful for the NCLEX itself but it was a great review of nursing information that kept things easy to understand and simple.

I pray that you pass too. Just dont loose hope in God

The best advice I received was to "answer exactly what was asked". Some of the questions were deliberately worded to confuse you. I had a question that started out a peds case, than went further with ortho, and the question ended up being a psych question about the mother. Also some of the questions do not have a "right answer" so you have to pick the one that is most right. When I read a question, I would look away from the screen and answer it in my head first. Then I would pick the answer that most closely matched my thinking.

from njoagwu robert registered user join date: jun 2010posts: 2 yesterday, 04:39 am i pray that you pass too. just dont loose hope in god oh...thank you...out of all the post my most favorite. straight and to the point...prayer and also, don't worry, i won't lose hope in him. i cannot, even if this time i am unsucessful. reason for everything. i do know that he is with me and wants to see me do well. still awaiting results. tomorrow will be 5 days, but i am keeping my head up the best i can. lets keep praying and thank you. god bless you.

Wishing you the best.
Author: alice  3-06-2015, 16:36   Views: 932   
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