experience –
Narcan prescriptions in NHRating: (votes: 0) Thoughts? Hassan signs bill allowing Narcan prescriptions | Politics - WMUR Home When I read NH, I thought - WOW! What a nursing home to need narcan as an order. Then I guess you're talking New Hampshire. Comment:
Very sorry! Yes New Hampshire. I've been thinking on this and still am not sure if I agree or not.
LOL - yeah, me too. I was thinking - "OMG, what kind of partying is going on in that Nursing Home???"
StopOverdose.org - Opioid Overdose Prevention We now have this in Washington state, and it is the bees' knees in terms of reducing opioid overdose deaths. We stock it on our crash carts, local Fire/EMS/Law enforcement are carrying it, and people can now pick up a Narcan kit at a pharmacy with a prescription. I think it is a great idea. The nasal administration kit is somewhat expensive, however.
Quote from aeris99Very sorry! Yes New Hampshire. I've been thinking on this and still am not sure if I agree or not.
PA is doing this now as well, where emergency responders and even friends/relatives of those at risk can obtain a prescription. Considering the recent spike of heroin overdoses (10 in 24 hours! 5 of those within 5 hours!!), I see available naloxone prescriptions (with the required education/training) as something that can only do good in bad situations.
Quote from MunoRNWhat is it you don't agree with?
Quote from amoLuciaWhen I read NH, I thought - WOW! What a nursing home to need narcan as an order. Then I guess you're talking New Hampshire.
Great minds think alike re NH!!!
As a resident of NH, as well as a first responder and an RN, I'm torn with this. We now have law enforcement officers trained and licensed to administer Narcan for ODs, as We have a heroin epidemic here... Not sure what's worse, enabling users, or creating a potential shortage of Narcan!
I've had experience in dealing with Heroin addicts in a non-nursing capacity and I truly don't believe allowing families/loved ones access to life saving Narcan is enabling the addict. An addict will lie, steal, and hurt whomever for a fix. They are aware of the risks of overdose, but the heroin is their #1. They are going to use whether a Narcan kit is nearby or not.
As the sibling of a current addict, I am grateful that responders were recently able to Narcan my stepbrother. As an RN, I know that recovery is a long shot, and I know how difficult these patients can be. But he's younger than me, otherwise healthy, and I have to hope that someday he will quit.And a PP was correct: they will risk OD, Narcan availability or not. According to my brother, he knows the whole family is sad, angry, and disappointed in him, but he feels completely numb. Drugs and drinking are the ONLY priority.I think this is a good thing, if only for the small percentage of young addicts who will survive their OD to one day get clean. I do know people who have, even if they are few and far between.