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I need help

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Hello guys
I am doing a paper and I am stuck. The paper is about noncompliance with prescribed diet regiment, mostly the diabetics and people who have HTN and CHF. I also have to find state and federal guidelines. I am working on this but I have not done much. Can anyone help me?
I have a patient that comes to mind that will probably be perfect for your paper. What questions do you have?

Check these links out... from the American Heart Association:Heart Failure this helps.

Additionally check with a couple of Registered dietitians and ask about their past efforts/successes.

I am doing community Nursing. I have to choose and assess community people. I went to this rehabilitation center in Irving. Diabetics had access to the vending machine and would eat things from there. Some of the patient who had dysphagia signed a waiver form so that they didn't have to eat puree and drink Honey thick/nectar thick liquids despite the risk. I wanted to know some nursing interventions for noncompliance for prescribed diet regimen for the community settings. Thank you guys for your help

You cannot protect alert and oriented X3 folks from themselves. Providing the education/teaching is about it. Quality of life means more to many. Eating what you want, while you still have life can mean more than living a longer restricted life to some. An informed choice to not comply is still a choice.

Begin every paper by reading all available articles. Don't even try to come up with a starting point until after you've done this. Otherwise you severely limit your options.Now take a look at what you have to work with. This will give you a hint about your subject.Suppose you find a raft of articles about testing including Hgb A1C. Now you might have a paper about motivating diabetics to compliance using regular Hgb A1C monitoring. You might want to interview a diabetic educator to sharpen up your evidence.Suppose you find mostly articles about barriers. Your subject may center on an original list of questions to ask when assessing for reasons for noncompliance.In every instance, you are looking to transform a pile of evidence into an action plan, something the reader can grab and run with in daily nursing practice.Yes, you could do a mere survey of research, but in nursing, the rubber meets the road at the bedside, so the best articles have usability as their hallmark.Go get 'em!

First step is to talk to your school librarian. They are an invaluable resource. They can help you to use the search engine for the library to find the most appropriate journal articles.Make the librarian your best friend! It will pay off. LOL.

Quote from j621dFirst step is to talk to your school librarian. They are an invaluable resource. They can help you to use the search engine for the library to find the most appropriate journal articles.Make the librarian your best friend! It will pay off. LOL.
Author: peter  3-06-2015, 16:40   Views: 1012   
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