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Has anyone obtained their RN while working full-time?

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1 I graduated with my lvn here in CA last July and I recently started my job with CDCR after searching for 6 months and giving everything up I had for this job. Now, after working for 2 months I would like to go back to school to get my RN ether through the LVN to RN ADN program or 30 unit option. I dont find it hard balancing working full-time and getting my perquisites, but how about when I get into the actual program?

Has anyone made it working full-time and going back to school for their RN?
I need to pay rent and all that so I need to keep my job. Please inspire me with your experiences people !!!!
I worked a minimum of 30 hours a week during LPN and RN school, nearly 50 while getting my BSN. It totally can be done. Good luck!

I worked full time nights as a LPN and went for my RN part time. It took me 5 years. I started with one class and then worked my way up to 2 classes a semester. I had two children still at home (15 and 11) and a husband going through health issues. But somehow I got though. It is very doable.

I am in nursing school now (ADN) and have worked full time throughout my whole program and plan to continue to do so until I graduate in the Winter. i also have a husband and 4 yr old twins at home. it's very doable!

I did. I worked 42 hours a week while in school. Although I worked EMS, so it was three 14 hour shifts every fri-sun night.

I worked 3 twelves 3p-330a or 7p - 0730a, Fri, Sat & Sunday night and went to school & clinical through the week. Didn't get enough :zzzzz but I made it.

I worked 7A-11P on Saturday and Sunday, went to school full-time Mon-Fri AND raised three little ones on my own.

I worked full time EMS dispatch 7 to 7 every weekend, on the trucks during the week. Had to daughters during nursing school. Soon as I finished school my wife divorced me for not spending enough time with family. Devastated me at the time, now I'm sooo thankful.

Worked 12 hour shifts every weekend, Sat and Sun daylight or Fri and Sat nights. Then, during the weekdays, I'd do school but also a workstudy position for 20 hours (one 4 hour shift and two 8's, all when I had classes). What a drag. I don't miss it one bit. Don't know if I could do it again.

Yes, I sure did work full time and went to school full time. Seeing everyone else's posts should give you some inspiration. Don't forget that you are probably eligible for a number of grants and scholarships. I had 5 scholarships throughout my schooling, and a lot of it paid for household expenses as well as tuition. One of the scholarships was from a hospital that required a 2 year contract for employment when I graduated, and they paid every single bit of my tuition. The rest of the scholarships were from either the State or from trusts that the school had been given for certain areas of study. I was debt free when I came out of school. You should really look into that-it will be a saving grace!

I worked and went to school full time while obtaining my LPN and my RN.

I worked full-time while getting my RN but I was doing private duty as an LPN which gave me time to study at work.

I did it. I did an online program that was designed for second-career/second-degree students. All the theory was online. I still had labs & clinicals, but ours were all Fridays and Saturdays. I worked 3 12-hr days as a tach the entire time. My employer paid for my schooling in exchange for a 2-year work commitment. They were also willing to work my days around my school schedule. I will say it wasn't a piece of cake. I never got enough sleep, and I was cranky a lot. It is doable, however.
Author: alice  3-06-2015, 16:42   Views: 794   
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