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Has a employer ever asked you for your Diploma?

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For every schooling I have ever did including my LVN, I have never once been asked for my actual diploma or transcripts just my nursing license. Has this happen to you also? The only reason why I ask is because Im interested in doing the CA 30 unit option for my RN.
I'm a brand new BSN grad, and the hospital that hired me wanted a copy of my diploma for my HR file

My license only.

The college diploma is required by employer if they are accredited by JCAHO or CHAP. I recommend all professionals to keep a copy of your college degree along with your standard documents. i.e. Driver's License, Professional License, CPR/Firs Aid etc

My hospital wanted an official copy of my transcript. I might have a problem producing a copy of my diploma, my college hands out bizarrely large ones.

I have never been asked for a copy of my diploma or degree, not even by the workplaces that are accredited by JCAHO. Most places of employment seem to be more concerned that applicants have active licensure or certification.I interviewed for a med/surg new grad RN internship at a major hospital in Dallas earlier this summer, and the recruiter requested that I email a copy of my official transcripts to her prior to the interview.

Never. Either just my license or my license and transcript.

Usually just asked for my license but some took copies for the HR file, and copies of my university transcript. Some places are very thorough, but all get a copy of your licencse and the registration number.

We're accredited by CHAP, so everyone has to have a diploma on file.

Yes, I was asked to provide my diploma for my file.

They didn't ask for my a copy of my degree...I think because you have to have one to sit for the NCLEX in the first place. If I took and passed the NCLEX, making me eligible for this position, then my license sort of by default lets HR know I have the degree.

Been "told" on applications that I would need to produce it. Also on applications, had to state my GPA for all my degrees. I'm glad I've a copy of my first degree transcripts as well as my RN transcripts!

I have never been asked for any of my educational diploma's but I always take them with me just in case.
Author: peter  3-06-2015, 16:43   Views: 811   
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