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Honest thoughts on Job Market

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Was wondering if people who are looking for nursing jobs are getting interviews and offers?
Am curious to know if the economy is improving.

Would like to hear from both RN's and LPN's.

Also, if you had to relocate to obtain the position ?
Thanks and good luck to ALL who are searching!
It depends on wear you live. I know that the market is still dry on the East Coast. I know that some Southern states are hiring.

Well, I've yet to get any calls back from nurse recruiters in the Fort Worth area. These are for PRN positions. Also applied at an agency and no call so far yet. But on the brighter side, I've been wanting to change careers for awhile. Maybe this a sign from above.

IMO its all about who you know. Where I work a lot of the hospitals are hiring, if you know the right people to get an interview.

I've finally gotten a few interviews. I've been on one interview for a hospital position, one for a clinic positon, and I have a LTC interview next week. I applied for over 200 positions though, so those were by no means easy to land. I know that the only reason I landed the hospital interview was through some MAJOR networking. For the other 2 I seemed to have been noticed on my own. I'm an RN in New England. If I dont land one of these's back to applying over and over again. I was originally applying out of state, but ultimately decided that moving away from my family was out of the question, so now all of my applications are in Connecticut.

I'm a fresh-out-of-school,-just-passed-my-nclex-new RN, and I was able to get the second position I interviewed for, on the CCU at a nearby hospital. The only reason I even got called for interviews is because I've been working for the hospital in one of the family practices, as a patient service rep. All the hospitals around me (at least 6 large hospitals in a 75 mile radius) are only hiring internal new grads, and even then, they only have so many positions available. Out of my graduating class of 58, probably only a dozen or so of us have had any luck landing a job so far.

From a new grad perspective in central MN, I can sum it up in one word. BRUTAL! I just graduated this spring, got my license in June and the job search has been ugly. Granted, it's only been a month but it seems most if not all of the huge healthcare systems around the central MN area do not want to hire new grads presently. Most have closed their residency programs and for the positions that they'd hire a new grad into they're getting 100's of applications for them. Obviously the people with experience have a leg up. Lots of jobs posted for nurses with experience but slim pickin's for new grads. Despite this, a good number of my graduating class of 48 has found jobs. Most of them had worked at the facilities prior as CNA's and such. One got a job at Johns Hopkins. Several are moving to N. Dakota, a few to Texas, One to S. Dakota, But for a lot of us, it’s not going to be easy to find a job and get started. This is a second career for me. I graduated at 41 years old and never worked in healthcare prior. It's been frustrating but fortunately I'm single for the last five years, no kids, and don't have any debt or loans coming due. I've been applying all over the place.I actually got an email today for my first interview. In Wyoming.. hahaha.. oh well, road trip sounds fun. It's only 2 states away.. .. lol.. It's for a new grad residency program and I'm quite excited. I just wanna work and start getting experience. Good to be flexible.. Not real keen on packing up and moving at my age but I will if I get accepted and no other interviews or offers sprout from all the hours/days of applying I've done at places around here which includes the entire Minneapolis/St Paul Area. Allina, HealthEast, and Fairview are pretty much out of the question for most new grads right now, and they run the vast majority of hospitals and clinics in the area.

I have not even got an interview yet! I am looking in Nevada I prefer Reno/Sparks but I will relocate. So far nothing for new grads.

Nothing in New England. I have been applying everywhere with no luck. I have had one interview but did not get the job. There are a few in my graduating class with jobs but they either worked already as a CNA or have moved South. I am hoping my luck will turn around in the fall, which of course is wishful thinking

The hospital I work at in SC will hire new grads.. Myself and about 10 of my classmates are working there. It is a larger hospital and they still have positions to fill. The three or four smaller hospitals in the area are not hiring and the ads they do have are for experianced RN's.

Graduated last month, past the NCLEX the beging of July, started applying for positons in March.I work in a hospital ED for 2.5 years as a CNA, my hospital is not hirring new grads, they only want RNs with 2+ years experienceI have had 1 interview over the phone for a residency program with 50 spots and about 550 applicants.Another place I applied to said thanks come again in 6 months, as they had already hired 2 new grads and couldn't afford to train another one.

Experienced nurses are having a hard time here in Oregon. I don't really know about new grads. I think things are just tough all over.

Gosh, I feel so bad for all the new grads. It must be so disheartening. Back when I graduated, 23 years ago, almost every person in my class had a job secured one or two months before graduation. I just can't imagine going through all that hard work and not being able to find a job. I'm praying for everyone!
Author: jone  3-06-2015, 16:43   Views: 868   
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