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(votes: 7)

I am finishing my second year of nursing and want to work towards becoming a nurse practitioner. I am confused as to the difference between DNP and MS as a FNP. If I attend a school that offers the MS option for becoming a Nurse Practitioner, will I still be able to practice as a NP without going further and getting a DNP?
Yes. There is no need to have a DNP unless you simply want the extra education. Some people will say that one will need a DNP to become a nurse practictioner in X amount of years.They're wrong.If you want to be a NP, then I encourage you to put in about 5 years worth at the bedside. If you don't want to do bedside nursing for more than a year or two, then I would encourage you to look into PA programs.NP programs are set up in such a way that they assume you have a wide base of clinical knowledge because you've spent years a nurse. Lately, however, it's the trend for nurses to enter into NP school after 1 year or less at the bedside. This sets you up for a very unsafe practice. NP schools do not have the clinical time in their programs to make up for a lack of experience at the bedside.I know that's advice you didn't ask for, but there you have it.

This is going to depend on where you want to go to school.The schools by me are making all of the NP & CRNA programs DNP programs in 2012. They are no longer accepting applications for the MSN program. Their last MSN class has been filled. There are others schools that are not doing this change. If you become an NP through an approved Master's program, you should not have a problem. Even if they make the requirement for NP's to be DNP's, if you are an NP before then, it won't apply, there will be a grandfathering process.

Right now, the DNP is only a vision. But, do not totally dismiss the possibility that it will become the terminal degree in 2015.Right now, the MSN is the degree necessary to be an NP. If the DNP becomes mandatory, those who already are practicing as MSN-prepared NPs will be grandfathered in.

Quote from sirIRight now, the DNP is only a vision. But, do not totally dismiss the possibility that it will become the terminal degree in 2015.

Quote from FribbletA doctorate is always a terminal degree.

Quote from sirIThat's correct. But, right now, it is not the degree necessary to practice as an NP.

I think we are splitting hairs, but yes, you are correct.

Many (most?) quality NP schools require a minimum of two years full time work experience as an RN before admission to the NP program. This is for very good reason. There are schools out there that will allow you to progress directly from BSN to NP, but in my opinion it is not a good idea. I just finished my Primary Health Care (Family) Nurse Practitioner, and I can tell you, the clinical portion (I had 750 hours clinical time in my degree), is not much. I had 10 years experience as an RN prior to the program, and I have used every bit of that experience. I cannot imagine going direct entry. Becoming an NP has a very steep learning curve. There is a reason the better programs require a minimum RN practice time, and simply stated, it is SAFETY.Do yourself a favor, and get some experience under your belt before getting your NP. I agree with Fribblet in that if you are not planning to work as an RN prior to going on with your education, PA may be a better route for you. Just remember to look at the differences in scopes of practice before you commit to one or the other. Good luck!
Author: jone  3-06-2015, 16:45   Views: 2346   
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