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Universal Precautions are not optional...

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How would you handle it if you knew a co-worker was very lax in using Universal Precautions?
Quote from Lisa, MAHow would you handle it if you knew a co-worker was very lax in using Universal Precautions?

OSHA inservice

After speaking with him/her/them as mentioned above, if you see no improvement, I would approach management anonymously with this info, without mentioning names.If management isn't handling it, then you might have to be more direct with management.This is important stuff - pt safety is involved.DC

do you have an infection control coordinator? The worst offenders in my facility are the MD's.

I would call them out. As previous poster mentioned, pt. safety is involved. When my dad was in the hospital (rural setting) I couldn't believe how many nurses/techs came in to check his blood sugars, getting ready to proceed~without gloves. I called them out on this immediately. My dad has since learned to be his own advocate as well.

There is a simple answer: Chain of Command

Doing any procedure without gloves is putting the nurse at risk, not the patient. So long as there is great handwashing technique the patient will not get cooties from the nurse. Plus if you are exposed to your own blood you are NOT at risk.If a family/patient got cranky about not using gloves for a glucoscan I would explain why they weren't at risk, ask permission to proceed, and then put them down as refusing the procedure if they chose that route. It falls under the "mind your own business, and stay out of mine" category.

^ exactly. gloves protect us, not patients. I dont wear gloves for quite a few things because my hands are very small and dont fit the gloves well--causing them to get in the way, but Im very mindful about it.If Im worried about touching something wet that's not mine, of course I glove up.

Completely agree. I am an OCD-germaphobe with a child at home. I will NOT touch any patient or anything in their room without gloves on.If you mean they are not using universal standards, like alcohol wiping IV ports, etc that put the patient at harm then by all means talk to the person and if they do not change their behaviors go up the chain of command.

Quote from canoeheadDoing any procedure without gloves is putting the nurse at risk, not the patient. So long as there is great handwashing technique the patient will not get cooties from the nurse.

Quote from Lisa, MAI have to disagree. If a nurse is not practicing Universal Precautions...which EVERYONE is taught ad nauseum in school...then it is unlikely that they would be fastidious about hand washing.

Quote from Lisa, MA And BTW...I hate that some people only use the alcohol foam to clean their hands. In my old eyes, that is NOT acceptable hand washing.
Author: alice  3-06-2015, 17:00   Views: 794   
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