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Call Bell Requests

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What do you all think are the top requests when patients ring their call bells?
Bedpan/BSC/BathroomLarge geriatric pt population where I work.CLose second is pain med.

A job where I worked implemented hourly rounds and you had to check the following each hour: bathroom needs, need for beverage, pain meds, room temperature/bed covers - based on a month long monitoring report of every single call light that the unit secretaries recieved these were the most frequent requests but I can't remember what order they were in

Pain meds, sleeping pills, etc etcCommode/bed pan& my favorite... "What time is it?" when there is a clock RIGHT in front of them and they could see it just fine earlier.

Cold waterSleeping pillPain medAnti-emeticToiletingToo late for toiletingToo hot/coldWants extra blankets"Who's my nurse tonight?"IV Pump beeping"What channel is the football game on?"Wants light turned offSomething to eat/drinkHit by accident trying to change the channel

BathroomPainaccidently hitNauseabeeping machineBeverageBlanketturn on/ off lights

My favorite: "Where's my call-light?" as she has it clenched in her hands.

"I don't remember why I called"

Without a doubt - toileting issues.Some others that go along with senior citizens. I need someone to turn the tv on/off.Can someone raise/lower my bed? (Controls right beside them on the side rails)Would you please come open/close my door?I dropped the tv remote.Would someone please bring me a cup of coffee. This one usually occurs 15 seconds after you were in the room asking them if you could get them anything.

1) toileting needs2) beeping pump3) accidentalWe do hourly rounding as well for pain/potty/positioning/personal effects, but at night it's soo much different. I can look in on a patient, see that they are sleeping & chart it as such. And five minutes later, they're on the light needing to pee.

Quote from pomRNWhat do you all think are the top requests when patients ring their call bells?

Ive recently had a ward full of demanding bell hoppers....... Requests included...-will you turn off the tv? ( remote on bed table nothing wrong with arms) -I want a commode...followed by beds 1-6 wanting bedpans and commodes-I want tea-Get me pillows-thats beeping.....-shes screaming (yes she does that) -shes walking around (yes she does have legs) -check on him in the toilet -hes been in the toilet too long-will you wipe my backside-adjust thisAnd the best ones -nurse im paralysed i cant did you ring the bell?-nurse im dead ring the doctorA please and thank you would be nice.

Oh, doesn't this work the bed?My mashed potatoes are cold.
Author: jone  3-06-2015, 17:07   Views: 960   
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