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Email resignation?

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I am about to resign effective immediately, however, I am in a completely different state and was considering emailing it to my manager. Normally I would not do that but family situations and circumstances are not allowing me to give it in person, also why it's immediately.

Another option is have someone print it out and give it to the manager.
I understand either way is obviously not ideal, but I am across the country.

What shall I do? could email the resignation and explain that you are sending a formal copy in the mail as well...or perhaps pay to overnight the resignation letter. Good luck!

I think e-mailing is okay. I would copy HR and also call HR and your manager. I think it's also nice to give them a signed hard copy via mail (or in-person). In your case as you are far away --mail sounds like a good idea.Good luck!

I think e-mail is fine. You could even print it out, sign it, and fax it.

Definitely call and speak to the manager and HR, with the explanation that you are submiting a letter of resignation effective immediately. Ask if they prefer a faxed copy until the "permanent" copy arrives, or if an email is okay. I wish you well with the family issues and hang in there.

Do you think that your NM would consider a LOA for you instead of your having to resign completely?

I'd call and talk to your manager and explain things: it may help to mitigate some of the damage done by resigning without notice. I would also get hard copies of the letter to them ASAP, even if it means ponying up for extra postage.Best of luck.

I would call to resign and then send an email. Every position I ever resigned from asked my for an email so that they had it in writing (after I resigned in person...but I lived in the same state). Granted it was a different industry, but I think the the same practice would suffice.

Thanks all for the input.I actually emailed to a friend and she is going to place a copy of it at work in the managers office.I will email it as well on Monday.

Call first, explain, then ask NM what she needs.. email, fax, mailed copy.. I would think most companies would like a fax as your signature would be on it. I had to do this once and you should know many companies will consider you not eligible for rehire.. so if NM is nice try to get her to give you a reference in writing..that way even if not eligible for rehire, you will still have a reference of your work there. Later on in life it may matter to you. Right now your family comes first but one day you may need this info. Also if you do not think you are going to any co-workers and get a letter from anyone willing to put in writing. People happens and then you could be left out in the cold. If you are eligible for FMLA.. fight for it..even if you know it will not last as long as you think you need right now....again things can change..Best of luck with your family situation.

Are you afraid to call NM? As a NM I would really be upset to get an email on Monday..Really! Personally in my case my NM was as mean and meaner than you could imagine but I would still call if I had to do it again. Mon mornings sre not great for most NM's to start with. I actually called my NM at home on a Friday night, so at least she knew she had to rearrange her life on Monday morning and could plan for it.Just my 2 cents worth.

I am not interested in FMLA and have actually be looking for new jobs as well. It's a sign to me that I need to move on and be closer to my family at this time. I have one asst manager/nurse educator that has actually been aware for about a month now that I could be potentially relocating and resigning. I informed her over the phone of my intentions. She understands, agrees and wished me luck. I do not have the same respect nor admiration for my other manager nor supervisors. It's been coming for a few months now. I just had to give short notice now due to family issues and distance. I also have inquired to others that have resigned at the same company and department and all that was required of them was a written letter stating their intent. I have references from that asst manager/nurse educator and has supported me throughout this ordeal. I have numerous peoples contacts and information whom have also supported me and have given references for me. This is just not ideal to me to give a resignation short notice nor not in person but I have to weigh my circumstances. I also work in a right to work state.

Well now.. that I know the rest of the story..I change my 2 cents...Sorry...The only reason I mention the not eligible for rehire is many years ago, I walked on a job as the administrator was verbally abusive and threw something at me.. I thought nothing of it ..decided it was not worth worrying about burning the bridge or getting any reference..well 12 yrs later, I applied for a job in an entire different state and this person knew this person who knew her and so on and so on...It was documented I did all the nasty stuff not her of course and of course I did not get that job... Now I totally agree it was a SIGN and not meant to happen but right then it was a bitter pill. So when having to leave for family reasons I got the references first..And every state I have worked in for 23 yrs is a Right to Work state... in short this means they can let you go "just cause they do not like you" or whatever but notice is still expected from you...Not legally but then legally they do not have to re-hire you and it is not that fact you would never want to work there is just it that Negative statement will knock you out of the running for a job you might really want. I come from a family of HR managers and you would be amazed at What actually is done in some places regard;less of the law or facts.
Author: alice  3-06-2015, 17:10   Views: 927   
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