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Where to find most current statistics?

3-06-2015, 18:52 635 0
I am having trouble finding the latest statistics on acquired pressure ulcers in long term care facilities, the additional facility costs involved for the acquired PUs, and the lawsuit costs/outcomes. I am finding data that is more than 5 years old w

Novum PRS-Anyone work for them?

3-06-2015, 18:52 695 0
I just applied for a job with Novum PRS and have an interview tentatively next week. Does anyone work for them? If so, what's it like?

working triage calls at night

3-06-2015, 18:52 702 0
I have recently been offered a job to work triage calls at night. My ultimate goal for the last 2 years has been to have more time with my family. I worked 8-5 for several years and it was so stressful everytime somebody got sick or had a school prog

Suctioning trach while going in

3-06-2015, 18:52 739 0
The inline suction allows for continuous oxygenation. Can we apply suction while entering the trachea? Yes. Suctioning on the way in an out reduces the potential for a mucus plug to be dislodged when inserting the catheter sans suction before you can

RN Specializing

3-06-2015, 18:52 883 0
So I'm a little confused on how to specialize as a nurse. So all the jobs I look at for RNs are specialized jobs. So do I specialize in school or do I get a regular RN job and then specialize when I get the job? How long does it take to specialize? u

Pregnant nurse needs advice

3-06-2015, 18:52 606 0

I need some advice regarding my pregnancy. I'm in 30week of first pregnancy and working at med/surg unit at acute hospital.

To make it short, I had a pt, POD2 laminectomy, who wanted me to get her up by myself. I told pt due to my pregnancy I mi

the worst intubation

3-06-2015, 18:52 812 0
I'm shocked by this intubation I saw at clinical earlier. They didn't give the patient succinylcholine or propofol or anything before they tried to intubate him, and he was fighting. The intern and then the resident tried and failed five times to g

Nurse Surveyor for Dept. of Health and Human Services TX

3-06-2015, 18:52 807 0
Anyone have experience with this job. Is it enjoyable? What about the salary? Is there opportunity to advance in this field? Thank you HI!Viva has experience in this sector but not in Texas....she'll be along. It's a ton of paper work.

Comment: o

Nursing Look Back For Today

3-06-2015, 18:52 832 0
Ok girls, who can tell me what this nifty item is and what was it's purpose?

This is probably going back waaaaaaaaaaaaay before many of you all's time. But found it online and my jaw hit the floor when an older MD told me the purpose.

Whoa, what th

What else do you do?

3-06-2015, 18:52 795 0
I am just curious what other jobs do some of you nurses have?

Currently I am still in school for my BSN, but I plan on nursing not being my only job. Once I get out I plan to get on a fire department, and get my medics license. I hope to work at the