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» » I am a staffing coordinator looking for a mock schedule 8hr every other wkend off

I am a staffing coordinator looking for a mock schedule 8hr every other wkend off

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Trying to find a schedule to go by for my nurses working 6-2, 2-10 & 10-6 with every other week end off .... Can someone please e-mail me a mock schedule
Are you looking for a template?

How many hours per week for each nurse? How many nurses per shift?

Set up a grid, plug everyone in for the weekends first.Any one who works the week end then gets either Th or Fri off AND Mon or Tues. And alternate the Fridays off, so no one feels picked on.

Presumably you have staff working anywhere from 20-40 hours/week, right? Do staff work set shifts or rotate?

We schedule like that. You need both full time and part time staff. For example Full Time Nurse: M, T, W, R on, F off, Sa, Su on, M off, T, W, R, F on, Sa, Su off, M, T, W, R on, F off and so on. Your Part Time staff will work the days that the Full Time staff have off. Our CNA's also have the same schedule, along with a four day F, Sa, Su, M position.
Author: peter  3-06-2015, 19:09   Views: 863   
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