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discontinued narcotics left on unit for weeks

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I work on a busy short term rehab floor. We have alot ofnarcs to count and a good size pile of narcotics that have been discontinued. I am in New York. We have to stuff the narcs into our cabinet and we get new pts and narcs everyday. Are there regulations that mandate removal of the discontinued narcs within a time frame of days or weeks, or whenever?
IMHO this question should be brought to the charge nurses attention, or the DON....

I am the charge nurse and I count these meds along with current narcs. Our DON doesn't think, or know, this a problem. They are concerned with other problems and expect us to just deal with the space issue. I wonder if it is a legal issue though.

potential diversion issue as well.....this seems to be an issue in most LTC

Where I work we report weekly to the DON the schedule 2's to be destroyed. The rest of the stuff 2 licensed nurses detroy ASAP after discharge. Usually the next change of shift after the PT leaves. ALso where I work if a nurse witnesses the lock up of schedule 2's , she is not able to destroy the same batch when the pharmacist comes in. We log it all into a bound book.

We destroy discontinued narcotics with the consulting pharmacist one a month... if you are in hostpital situation then talk to the pharmacy.... there should be a policy. our organization has a policy for everything.

There should be a policy. Check it out, before there is a diversion problem.

Where I work, we have an accudose. This contains all narcs and lyrica and marinol with patient names and room numbers. We count 3 times a day and we have to waste what we dont use under the patient name. If we dont it maybe a problem later. Pharmacy review because they are the ones who fill the accudose. You all should be careful and maybe try to come up with a better system.

Quote from mortepotential diversion issue as well.....this seems to be an issue in most LTC

This is an issue where I work. D/C'd narcotics are counted during the narcotic count. I am not sure if there is a policy on how long before they must be sent back. But it will grow and grow and grow and at one time our DC'd pile was bigger than the current narcotics being used. Right now its not so bad. Because they took them all. Residents who have been dead for weeks .. their narcotics were still in the dc'd pile.. thats how bad it was.

If you are unable to get admin to address the problem, have a chat with the Board of Pharmacy in your state or check their website ... there may be regulations you can cite regarding timely disposal.

Things like this give me chest pain. I've never had an issue with addiction but I believe it can happen to almost anyone, and a bunch of narcs lying around that aren't being used is just screaming "take me." It's too much temptation, especially for people who are predisposed to that kind of thing. Managment should be more sensitive to issues like that.

If you think your facility is being sloppy with their narcs make an anonymous call to the DEA's office. That'd light a fire under them.
Author: peter  3-06-2015, 16:39   Views: 817   
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