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» » Calculating body surface area.. Question

Calculating body surface area.. Question

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Hello everyone.

I have a question about calculating BSA. I know the formula but I am confused about calculating pounds and inches problems.

We did one in class on an infant weighing 6 lbs 8 oz. We calculated using 6.5 lbs. But then we had one on a practice test where it didn't seem to come out right using a decimal. It did when we converted to ounces.

So, my question is: Can you use either a pounds decimal or ounces? Or is there a standard we should use when calculating?

Thanks in advance!
To the best of my knowledge the formula is set up to use lbs. (Actually kg, but it's easy to switch between units.) Remember there are 16 ounces in a pound, so each ounce is only 0.0625 lb.

We are told to use the pounds and ounces with the decimal. So for a baby weighing 10 pounds, 11 ounces, it would be 10.7 pounds. I dunno if that's the 'official' way but that's what I've used. m

Thanks. We were given both formulas, so I'm guessing we either choose or use whatever is in the problem.
Author: alice  3-06-2015, 16:48   Views: 880   
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