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disposable equipment kept in patient rooms

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1 Hi!
I work in a general MICU in North Carolina.
I'm interested in what the community standard/policy/acceptable practice is specific to items kept in supply areas in patient rooms.....that is, packaged syringes, medicine cups, phlebotomy items, packaged straws, packaged non-skid socks. Generally, whatever items you keep "at hand" to eliminate multiple trips to your on-unit equipment/supply areas.
I'd particularly appreciate any replies w/ cited recognized authority such as JCAHO, APIC, etc.

thanks in advance.
On my unit we try very hard to NOT keep items left at the bedside. I am in charge of the unit supplies, and this keeps our cost down, because what one nurse may like to keep at the bedside, another nurse may not. BUT, this is easier said than done; we usually keep items in the patient rooms, like NS flushes (Especially if the patient does not have IV fluids running and you know they are going to be requesting pain meds Q2hrs), alcohol wipes, paper tape, and sometimes insulin pen needles. These items are used on a shift by shift basis so it helps to have them at hand. If a patient is in isolation however, we don't keep anything in the room.
Author: alice  3-06-2015, 16:59   Views: 901   
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