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friend/nurse where I go for tx did she violate hippa?

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I am a military spouse in the middle of a divorce. One of the med-techs (military equivalent of an LPN) in the women's clinic at our base was told by my husband that I gave him an STI. She then shared this w/multiple spouses of other people who work w/my husband and also know me; who then told me via FACEBOOK of all places, that I needed to get to a dr. as they were told that I gave my husband a disease, by the med-tech in question.

Unfortunately for me, I am a patient of the clinic where this med tech works, and am currently being treated for pretty serious cervical dysplasia. I had varying degrees of staging from 1-3 and so I've been in and out of the doctor many, many times in the past few months. Needless to say, I'm facing the possibility of a hysterectomy and a little scared.

It was found that my husband did indeed have an STI, and I immediately went to the county health dept., got tested & came out negative for everything.

It's time for the checkup that will ultimately determine whether or not radical hysterectomy is advised, and I'm refusing to go back to the clinic on base as I have no clue if this chick is going to share my info. with anyone else. in the past she told me that she asked the doctor in the clinic whether or not her ex-husband's wife was pregnant, who then confirmed the pregnancy. So I'm well aware that she's violated HIPPA in the past, but not sure if my situation applies. As an LPN myself, I wouldn't dream of doing what this med tech did as in my mind it IS a HIPPA violation. But I might be overzeaously interpreting the rule too. So I'm not sure.

I make this branch of the military sound a little low class. lol. I'm sorry.
did your husband tell her that as a friend or as a pt?

I would say it is indeed a HIPAA violation.. however, I'm not sure if the military has the same rules about that kind of stuff (you'd think they would). I would definitely report it to her superiors. Very unprofessional behavior on that nurse's part.

Doesn't matter whether your husband told her as a friend, patient, coworker, spiteful person or all of the above. She can't turn around and tell your husbands friends and coworkers. She can't even tell her coworkers unless they are involved in treating you.She knows this.Now you do.

My husband told her this as a friend. My problem is that I know she talks about patient information. She's told ME patient information that she had no business knowing and/or sharing. I can't go back there now, there's no way. Not with her having access to my medical records. I attempted to ask her why she was telling people this, and she immediately cut off all communication with me. HIPPA does apply to the military except in cases where military mission is compromised by the withholding of patient information.

well then you report her to the office, where i work there are random checks if I accessed a pt that i wasn't caring for that would be grounds for immediate termination.

In the military culture, we all live and behave as one (sometimes very dysfunctional) family. My brother is active duty at the same (very small) base as this nurse and my husband.It was devastating for me to have to know my little brother is being forced to defend me as now quite a few enlisted people in all kinds of squadrons have been discussing my sexual health.I never had an STI, I didn't give 1 to my husband, I can't have sex I just had a LEEP for God's sake, I'm diabetic and still in pain and I shouldn't even have to defend myself I don't have a disease. That a nurse in the office where I'm being treated, who saw me cry when the doctor told me it was worse than they thought, would tell people this rips my heart out. Thanks for taking the time to help me out. I really appreciate it.

Quote from LaughingRNDoesn't matter whether your husband told her as a friend, patient, coworker, spiteful person or all of the above. She can't turn around and tell your husbands friends and coworkers. She can't even tell her coworkers unless they are involved in treating you.She knows this.Now you do.

Call her First Sgt. There is no excuse for this. Regardless if this is a HIPAA violation or not, this is a behavior that is not becoming and has been done with malice. The tolerance for this behavior is actually very low if it is brought to light. Good luck. I'm sorry your suffering right now. P.S> On a side note, please get a second opinion prior to having a hysterectomy. I"ll send warm wishes....

Human papillomavirus causes cervical dysplasia, and from what I understand, men can carry it and be completely asymptomatic - meaning HE could have infected you with it, who knows. Doesn't matter, this "nurse" needs to be reported for violating your patient confidentiality.

Quote from TravelinCENCall her First Sgt. There is no excuse for this. Regardless if this is a HIPAA violation or not, this is a behavior that is not becoming and has been done with malice. The tolerance for this behavior is actually very low if it is brought to light. Good luck. I'm sorry your suffering right now. P.S> On a side note, please get a second opinion prior to having a hysterectomy. I"ll send warm wishes....

Quote from kittahHuman papillomavirus causes cervical dysplasia, and from what I understand, men can carry it and be completely asymptomatic - meaning HE could have infected you with it, who knows. Doesn't matter, this "nurse" needs to be reported for violating your patient confidentiality.

This sounds like libel and slander. From what you say it sounds like it is not true that you gave him anything. She both told people and put it in writing. Contact a lawyer and you might be able to sue her. I would also contact her CO and give them the facts. Even if you don't sue her a letter from your lawyer will probably make her throw up a little in her mouth. Best of luck!
Author: alice  3-06-2015, 17:13   Views: 809   
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