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Student nurses and deposition

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Can a student nurse be called for deposition?
Absolutely. Anyone can be called for a deposition.

Yes. Being a student doesn't protect you from legal action; hence why most nursing programs require their students to carry malpractice/liability insurance. If you happen to be the student in question that may possibly face a deposition:1. Call your malpractice carrier for guidance.2. If you lack malpractice insurance, consult an attorney.3. Refrain from discussing the details of the case, even here. Your attorney would likely advise you not to talk about it publicly anyway. Plus, the internet is not as anonymous as you think it is.4. And best of luck.

Yes, but it would be unlikely, unless you participated in the care of someone who sustained a poor outcome, or it was some other non-clinical civil matter, like employment practices or workers' compensation.

Yes, anyone who has their name in a chart can be called.

Thank you everyone for your responses.

Also, as an FYI: it is a myth that when you are a nursing student that you work under the license of your instructor/preceptor/assigned nurse (see If something bad should happen to your patient, you the student CAN be held liable for your role in it.
Author: peter  5-06-2015, 17:51   Views: 3178   
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