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» » How to Answer "What's Your Greatest Weakness?"

How to Answer "What's Your Greatest Weakness?"

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Great article! This is a true story: I was on an interview panel for a previous job. One candidate answered this very question with "Sometimes, I think I'm just TOO humble."(She got the job!)
[/QUOTE]This is a true story: I was on an interview panel for a previous job. One candidate answered this very question with "Sometimes, I think I'm just TOO humble."(She got the job!)[QUOTE]Hahaha I just snorted my coffee! That is hilarious! Thanks for the good laugh.
How would you feel about one stating that their weakness is trying to please everybody? Being in a leadership role I've learned that this is absolutely impossible and that I must accept that not everyone will be happy with decision I make, but I have to stand by it.
I think that's good! That's actually something I'm working on right now as well.
I think I used that I communicate a lot, but used that I'm working on improving SBAR, and used my experience as a nursing supervisor to help with SBAR and how to effectively communicate with providers, peers, and anxious and disgruntled pts and family members.
How would you feel about one stating that their weakness is trying to please everybody? Being in a leadership role I've learned that this is absolutely impossible and that I must accept that not everyone will be happy with decision I make, but I have to stand by it.
Quote from LadyFree28I think I used that I communicate a lot, but used that I'm working on improving SBAR, and used my experience as a nursing supervisor to help with SBAR and how to effectively communicate with providers, peers, and anxious and disgruntled pts and family members.
Quote from Nurse BethI like it for an interview because it's common to many people (especially nurses?) and I can just see the interviewers nodding in agreement.It comes across as genuine and self-revealing enough to gain likeability. Once they like you, they pull for you. Actually, it's genius! Why didn't I think of this as an example for an article? <In an actual interview, you would then go on to talk about your action plan and growth so far>.P.S. I hope this answer pleased you. And everyone.
I always said my greatest weakness was honesty.The interviewer would say 'I don't think honesty is a weakness'.I would reply 'I don't give a crap what you think'.
This is a great post!This is the biggest question that I struggle with in an interview. I don't want to seem weak, but don't want to look like I think too highly of myself to not acknowledge a weakness, either. Usually when asked this I've said that I have issues with becoming too attached to residents (this was when I was working in LTC) and that it was often difficult for me when one passed on. Which isn't a lie, but I'm sure there are other, better things I could be weak in!
This is why job interviews suck. They're the grown up version of kids pulling the wings off bugs.
I'm having a hard time coming up with honest answers to this one. The truth is that I'm quiet and not much of a chit-chatter. I'm trying to think of how to spin that in a positive way, but in these days of patient satisfaction scores, I'm thinking no one wants to hire a someone like me. I've googled some answers I can give, but they'd be lies. Any ideas?
Author: peter  3-07-2015, 08:58   Views: 623   
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