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Nitro spray question

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Hi! I can't find the answer to this question:

Why can we not shake Nitro spray before administering?

I did this by mistake and was told not to, but no one was able to tell me the reason.

Shaking the bottle can displace the liquid in the tube and cause the measuring chamber to measure the wrong amount of drug. This means you may not receive a full dose. In that case, the exact amount of drug delivered cannot be determined.source: Nitrolingual� Pumpspray Website

OK, but I always prime it first, as it says to wouldn't the dose sprayed end up being correct?

Nitro + shaking =explosion! I am kidding,really but I worked with a nurse once that believed that...

I prime with a dose sprayed into the air first. In all seriousness I once worked in a hospital that sent a nitro drip up through the tube system and it exploded enroute. Took them weeks to clean up the mess.

Wow, that's crazy!! I'll never shake it again! lol
Author: alice  3-06-2015, 16:52   Views: 834   
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