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» » Relocation Expense Reimbursement Taxed?

Relocation Expense Reimbursement Taxed?

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I am moving to a new are and receiving a relocation reimbursement. It is a one time cash payment, no receipts required. How much will this be taxed when it is disbursed to me? Anyone familiar with this? Thank you.
I believe it is included as part of your payroll? Not sure though.

I hope it is not considered a bonus which would be taxed heavily.

No, i dont think its considered a bonus. It just says taxes will be withheld before disbursement.

In my experience with several corporate sponsored moves under my belt, the income is taxed as regular earnings. I've not seen anyone disburse it as a bonus although I suppose it's possible.

Call the place and ask them how it would be taxed...that should solve it! :-)
Author: jone  3-06-2015, 17:30   Views: 702   
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