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Forged name in nursing home

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Last night i was in our unit at work and my DON approached me wanting me to sign off on a treatment i didn't do or wasn't even there on i told her i didn't work that day and i wouldnt an aide witnessed it so my DON rolled her eyes sighed and walked away my aide stated another nurse worked that day so my DON continued to look through the treatment book and all marking things she left with the book and an hour later came back i was flipping through that book and noticed my signature disticntly signed on the days she asked me to sign for and in empty spots so i quickly pulled my phone out and snapped pictures of the areas after blocking out all of the residents information

So my biggest fear is i can't report to my administer because she's buddy with the DON and in the past I've reported things to corporate to have nothing ever done I have no clue what to do and with me being so far along in my pregnancy (30 weeks) i can't risk losing my job at this point but I've noticed she forced other nurses to sign in holes throughout the building so what can i do.

I feel if i come out with this the place will black ball me but if I'm quiet about it its giving her premission to go ahead and use my name on other documents in the future therefore putting my liesnse at risk my husband has told me to report it to the state board of nursing and also to state so they can come in and investigate. Help me please any advice would be helpful.
Look for a job elsewhere on your terms. As soon as you have another position lined up, resign. Until then, keep a close tab on everything. After you are gone, take whatever action that you plan to take about the falsehoods.

If i was you id say screw the job if it came down to it. Though I'd say you have something on them if they fire you for pointing out this. Id report this immediately. No way in the world would i tolerate someone falsifying documents with my signature.

The thing is i know the momnet i report it my gut is telling me they will brush it off and find a reason to fire me with in a month or so also state is due in very soon so I've also thought of placing a bug in there ear too when they walk in but both would end with me not having a job

You can always find a new job. But do you really want to be a part of falsifying records. You got to think how that will look on your record.

Report your DON to the State Board of Nursing. You have photos of altered records. What unbelievable gall.

Get out now while your license is clean, and report your supervisor to the BON. If you're worried about health insurance, talk to an ACA navigator. You're pregnant, so you will probably qualify for Medicaid.

Quote from Dreams89Last night i was in our unit at work and my DON approached me wanting me to sign off on a treatment i didn't do or wasn't even there on i told her i didn't work that day and i wouldnt an aide witnessed it so my DON rolled her eyes sighed and walked away my aide stated another nurse worked that day so my DON continued to look through the treatment book and all marking things she left with the book and an hour later came back i was flipping through that book and noticed my signature disticntly signed on the days she asked me to sign for and in empty spots so i quickly pulled my phone out and snapped pictures of the areas after blocking out all of the residents information So my biggest fear is i can't report to my administer because she's buddy with the DON and in the past I've reported things to corporate to have nothing ever done I have no clue what to do and with me being so far along in my pregnancy (30 weeks) i can't risk losing my job at this point but I've noticed she forced other nurses to sign in holes throughout the building so what can i do. I feel if i come out with this the place will black ball me but if I'm quiet about it its giving her premission to go ahead and use my name on other documents in the future therefore putting my liesnse at risk my husband has told me to report it to the state board of nursing and also to state so they can come in and investigate. Help me please any advice would be helpful.

Get new job NOW> There will be fall out and it won't be pretty. (Trust me, I know)And when you get new job, you might want to report. Not only to the BON but who ever regulates LTC.

You should've quit like, yesterday. Run run RUNAWAY! Far far faraway!

SUE!!!!!! That is illegal!!!! Your license is at risk!!! Your livelihood!!!

Quote from Dreams89The thing is i know the momnet i report it my gut is telling me they will brush it off and find a reason to fire me with in a month or so also state is due in very soon so I've also thought of placing a bug in there ear too when they walk in but both would end with me not having a job

I would start applying for a different job as soon as possible. That may be difficult with you being 30 weeks pregnant, but I would still try. Your workplace and supervisors sound like the type who would throw you under the bus in an instant.You should bring it to the attention of your administrator, but you are probably right that if they are friends (DON and admin) that they will likely find some reason to fire you. If you are prepared for that and can accept the fall out, then do it. However, if you can't afford to go without a paycheck for a while, and considering that you are pregnant, I don't know... That's a difficult choice.I am glad you have proof of the forget signatures, because that will help you if you decide to report it and take action. Personally, I couldn't let this pass and would have to report it as far up the gain of command as I needed. Even if I was without work for a while as a result. Your situation is different and more difficult than mine would be though. Let us know what you do...
Author: jone  5-06-2015, 17:51   Views: 3222   
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