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Nursing Diagnosis

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I am completeing a community assignment and have to formulate 2 nursing diagnoses regarding things I identified in the community. One item was children riding bikes without protective gear(helmets). Would risk for injury related to lack of protective gear work as a diagnosis?
knowlege deficit r/t lack of safety equip?bleach deficit r/t continuation of gene pool? Sorry, I digress

Potential for injury related to; you can list a dozen things here.

How about the homeless? Definitely community nursing there. Multiple ways to go with this one:1. Knowledge deficit related to lack of resources for starters. 2.Alterations in nutrition due to lack of resources. 3.Self-care deficit due to lack of resources4.Alteration in homeostasis due to environmental changes. When I was in nursing school I decided to focus on the homeless population in my town and really really learned a lot. It was fun too. Provided a corner flu/pneumonia and TB test clinic. How rewarding!! Gotta love socialized medicine!!!

Here's one... inefficient parenting. Enough said. So glad I don't have to do this nonsense any more!
Author: alice  3-06-2015, 16:38   Views: 872   
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