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Top States and Hospitals for Nursing Jobs

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I don't know about Washington being number 1. I tried very hard to break into that state, and had no luck.
Quote from Beagle62I don't know about Washington being number 1. I tried very hard to break into that state, and had no luck.
That's great, if you can find a job. The unemployment rate for new grads in CA has been close to 50% for a few years now. I went to nursing school in MA, and like many of my classmates, I had to leave the state to find a job.
Quote from Beagle62I don't know about Washington being number 1. I tried very hard to break into that state, and had no luck.
Sounds too good to be true. I'm skeptical but curious. What do you have to pay to get started and what does one do to earn the money? thanks
Yeah for Washington!I love working here.
Quote from MavrickYeah for Washington!I love working here.
I appreciate your articles esp. best worst cities: employment and socio economic ratings. I honestly would not move to a city based on this article. However, I believe it gives direction if one were thinking about applying for jobs or relocating without a job set up. You could do your own census research, etc. You could look at the historical underpinnings of a city or rural area to get a feel for the cultural/political influences on policy. Some thoughts as I read the article. Thank-you
Author: peter  3-07-2015, 08:58   Views: 618   
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