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Winner of the creepiest nursing commercial ever....!

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I'm sorry but this commercial made me laugh! "I was devastated to have to reuse my....catheter" LOL and apparently its a real company too...I found it online from a story on the winner of the creepiest commercial of 2010 contest...c'mon if I saw this on TV i would crack up (even as a nurse)!

edit: ok i totally don't agree with having to reuse catheters...infection risk!..its just the way its portrayed/acted thats funny Last edit by RN2B123 on Oct 1, '10
This has been on quite a while. I had home care pts who would beg their docs to write letters to insurance companies to approve at least one new cath every day!!Pretty disgusting to think that all of these people were rinsing and reusing their caths for weeks on end.

I had to do this for a client and asked why and if it was ok, infection control wise. Didn't make sense to me. I actually did some research on the practice and as I recall, it is supposed to be relatively of no consequence when it comes to UTI rates. I still do not believe it is good practice, I don't care what anyone says.

That commercial is on all the time here.As far as UTIs go, unless there is already an infection, everything going through there is sterile and I don't see a real problem.

To be honest, I don't think it's creepy. I don't think I would want to reuse catheters either.

Heard of this and agree with One2go, we learned about it in nursing school, it's not an issue at all. They are only using it on themselves and it's cleaned every time. Think about those tubes to insert vaginal creams when you have an infection, you use it for a week, but clean it every day. Toothbrushes definitely have more germs on them than a catheter being used on an uninfected person!

I can't believe up until recently patients had to use the same catheters time after time after time. Hello UTIs!

Quote from NamasteNurseHeard of this and agree with One2go, we learned about it in nursing school, it's not an issue at all. They are only using it on themselves and it's cleaned every time. Think about those tubes to insert vaginal creams when you have an infection, you use it for a week, but clean it every day. Toothbrushes definitely have more germs on them than a catheter being used on an uninfected person!

Quote from One2gofstThat commercial is on all the time here.As far as UTIs go, unless there is already an infection, everything going through there is sterile and I don't see a real problem.

What I hate about that commercial is that it's deceptive. It implies that a medical supply company has some sort of control over what supplies will be paid for by Medicaid or an insurance company. Once Medicaid/Medi-Cal/her insurance co approved it her catheters could be supplied by quite a few different companies in my state, anyway.For pure annoyance value, I vote for the adult pertussis vaccine one with the coughing child and "you may think the safest place for your baby is in your arms" -- don't know why that woman just irritates me, plus they play it every 12 minutes on some channels.

I'm with you, @nursel56 - that whooping cough commercial drives me nuts. The worst (national) nursing commercial I can recall is a horrible Johnson & Johnson nursing campaign commercial from a couple years ago that had the jingle: "You're a Nurse...You Make a Diiiference." It was incredibly schmaltzy and played on all the usual nursing tropes to the nth degree, so it drove me nuts.

Holly strikes again!We've discussed her here before, and this is actually the older commercial. She's in a new one that features a better hairdo.And then there's THIS little gem...

I believe that studies have been done with patients who reuse catheters at home, and there was no increase in infections. The "germs" at home are not the same as the germs in a hospital. Hospitals are WAY worse. I believe the study was done years ago with Spina Bifida children(many, of whom cathed themselves). I am not saying that it should be done, I am just why it has been acceptable for all these years.About the commercials, I also hate when they show nurses as "bimbos". I also cant stand TV/Movies that portray this way. Even the shows that show women as strong, educated, etc (Nurse Jackie) feel the need to have them having sex with any cute doctor in a closet, or next to a patient in a coma. I want to see a nurse who is No 1, dedicated to her family, and then No 2, dedicated to her profession. I realize that Sex and Bimbos are money makers but, sorry Hollywood, Bimbo nurses are a small handful that make the rest of us look bad. IMO, these few nurses, are not nursing for the profession, but out to get a Doctor.
Author: jone  3-06-2015, 16:51   Views: 886   
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