experience –
I hate my phoneRating: (votes: 0) Wow. Are you PRN? They might feel they can change your schedule at will. I would put in writing that if you are not on call that you might not have your phone with you. If you are called, and they do not receive a call back, that they cannot assume you have gotten the message.I would send copies to her, her boss, and to HR. You might consider a cover letter to send with the one to HR, explaining what has been going on, and that you were unaware that your schedule would be constantly changed without your knowledge.Best wishes! Comment:
You have a very unorganized scheduler. You basically will have to put your foot down. Tell her you must know your schedule at the very minimum the last day you work. Any changes will have to be told on the clock when you come back in. More than likely you are understaffed and people are taking vacations or personal days last minute. Instead of making people schedule vacations she/he does that instead to avoid paying overtime. Happens in every business. You will have to put your foot down or it will keep happening. And don't sign any write ups you don't agree with! Thats a unneeded paper trail in their favor if they decide to terminate you. As much as I hate this advice, worst case scenerio, look for a new job. Now calling you in to see if you want to work overtime is a different story. I'm fine with that. But once the schedule is posted, YOU must approve the change, not them. Otherwise your a escape goat, not a employee. And again, don't be scared of the threats to write you up.If you are on call, then its your job to be available. But being all call means certain times, not 24/7. Like its your weekend. Next weeks its Sara's, Next week Marks..etc. Must be realistic. Also keep everything in a profesional manner. You can totally disagree with your boss and all be good if you do.
Ridiculous. This doesn't sound right. I agree with you, I would ditch my phone all together and get another one and don't tell anybody you have one. either that or find another job. That's just incomprehensible.
No, I am not PRN.
Quote from RedhairedNurseRidiculous. This doesn't sound right. I agree with you, I would ditch my phone all together and get another one and don't tell anybody you have one. either that or find another job. That's just incomprehensible.
Quote from RedhairedNurseRidiculous. This doesn't sound right. I agree with you, I would ditch my phone all together and get another one and don't tell anybody you have one. either that or find another job. That's just incomprehensible.
Seriously, I have never heard of anything so ridiculous. It would be ridiculous even if you were PRN. You are in effect on "call" 24/7. This situation needs to be addressed with HR and/or this person's supervisor. Not knowing the type of facility you're in or the hierarchy of your organization, it's hard to say where to start.Buying a new cell phone or changing your number is not the answer. An employer has a need to have a reasonable contact number for their employees. I could see disciplinary action for you if you refuse to provide your number.
Well, yoiu can't not give them a phone number. They need to have a way to reach you. Once the schedule is posted, you have to agree to any changes. Do NOT let your stupidvisor push you around. Do NOT let her write you up for a no call, no show. Go to HR if you have to. Trust me, she'll back down because she's in the wrong and she knows it. Just keep copies of all posted schedules. Reminds me of the time I had a personal education day scheduled. That morning there was an ice storm, the kind that closed schools and business, so I rescheduled my ed. day. Boss wanted to write it up as an absence. I said, oh no you are not, and she backed down. Bosses like that suck.
Please don't hate your phone...it's not your poor little phones fault...that's the same as "don't kill the messenger"...Seriously, I have never heard of such abuse in 18 years of practice!You really need to draw the line, pleasantly and professionally, and communicate to your manager that once the schedule is posted, you will not be available for unscheduled shifts, unless you are asked, not told, asked in advance and you agree to work, again, in advance.If she/he is really unreasonable, I would do it in writing. I would also notify her supervisor, HR, the DON and the administrator (if this is LTC). In writing and keep copies.This is running and ruining your life.I would also investigate the Labor laws in your state...I do not know if this applies to any rules they have but it's a thought.I know the economy is rough right now, and nursing jobs are very hard to come by, at least where I live, but I would be looking. If these people are this out of touch and take advantage of staff this blatently, then I sure wouldn't/couldn't work there much longer.How have you kept the sanity you have left?GOOD LUCK...don't take this anymore!s
[FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I'm with the folks who say your phone ain't the problem, it's your job!I'm pretty mad at my floor's management right now but I just might kiss their feet after reading this! Just yesterday I was called to see if I wanted to work that evening. It was a question, not a command, and I received five hours' notice. I declined and that was that.In our healthcare system, someone has to be contacted AT MINIMUM two hours prior to the beginning of the shift.I agree with going up the nursing chain of command on this one. I highly doubt this is allowed!Wish you the best, and do keep us updated.
You are being abused and it is one of the worse cases I have seen so far but I have seen others. Either management doesn't know or doesn't care what a deleterious effect that sort of thing has on mental health and eventually your physical health. It not a shock, management treated people like dirt during a nursing shortage so I am sure in a nurse surplus situation things would even be worse.
I know that you said your supervisor is unreasonable, but you have to respect the chain of command. Write a letter to you supervisor explaining the issue and hand deliver the letter when you sit down to talk to this supervisor. When she doesn't respond reasonably, go to the next person in line and so on and so forth. You will get results because she is definitely in the wrong. If you're not willing to do this, than I would guess that your job isn't worth the effort. Best of luck.