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How come people portray nursing so negatively on here?

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It seems like a majority of the threads are about how BAD nursing is and not how good it is. I'm currently a student and chose nursing for the following reasons.

-Job security
-Well compensated (to me at least; I have never made over $8.50 an hour)
-The fact that your job actually makes a difference.

I don't get how a job you have to get a degree for can be so negatively portrayed. It can't be THAT bad, can it?
People come here to vent. When things are going well, they don't feel the need to express themselves so much. They are happy doing other activities. This board is free therapy for many.

Yes, unfortunately it is that bad. At least being a hospital nurse is that bad. There may be other nursing jobs outside the hospital that are better though. I've only ever worked in the hospital. I am looking for different jobs at the moment. I was like you when I was a nursing student...excited, hopeful, thought I could make a positive difference. I was disillusioned quickly though. It's something you won't understand until you are a nurse.

I agree with the aptly named NurseFrustrated. I got tired of staff nurses making comments about "the real world," as a student nurse. But I was doe-eyed, hopeful, enthusiastic and a perfectionist as a student. We had the time to be, and hopefully the instructors to back us up. No time for disillusionment just yet. The truth is, when you set for yourself a very high standard of care and have a good work ethic, finding that you're never able to meet your own standards is very very depressing to say the least. Not to mention the backstabbing and cruelty from management, co-workers, doctors, patients, family... etc..

Quote from caliotter3People come here to vent. When things are going well, they don't feel the need to express themselves so much. They are happy doing other activities. This board is free therapy for many.

Nursing is a job and people love to complain about their jobs. nursing is hard im often tired i do not live the "swt life". However, I enjoy what I do, as soon as I get really upset with my job it seems like i have a husband call the unit to thank me or a letter from a family member to let me know how much they appreciated everything i did for their mother. it is what you make it people seem to get such an experiance from a mission trip or giving their time at the nursing home or church but as soon as you get paid for it people start complaining. Nurses that complain all the time most likely would complain about any job that they had. ive done yard work, taught tennis and golf, been a waiter, bar tended and its the same everywhere. heck my dads a successful surgeon and complains about his job. stick to it and have a good attitude and yes you can make a difference. its more so the lifestyle that i think they are upset with. they work, go out and drink, sleep around, dont get married, get a couple STDs along the way, maybe take some diet pills which trash their hormones because they dont have the self restraint to not eat Mackers (Micky Ds) and or get some sort of physical fitness in the day. Id be upset with my life/job also.

I find many new grads or students come to whine & complain.-They were looking for the "brass ring" and thought nursing was just drinking coffee and giving shots.-They thought everyone was going to get 50.00/hr to start.-That there is a shortage of nurses and jobs would fall in their laps.The reality:That this is a JOB. You have to work really, really HARD to be good.Nursing school isn't easy either.There is a reason experienced nurses are paid more and you have to pay your dues.Oh, I know I'm just scratching the surface here but they are just a glimpse of what I read from those trying to make it. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. They just wish itwas different...

It's a LOT harder than it seems when you're a student. I still love what I do, but I really had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Quote from dhellwegeNursing is a job and people love to complain about their jobs. nursing is hard im often tired i do not live the "swt life". However, I enjoy what I do, as soon as I get really upset with my job it seems like i have a husband call the unit to thank me or a letter from a family member to let me know how much they appreciated everything i did for their mother. it is what you make it people seem to get such an experiance from a mission trip or giving their time at the nursing home or church but as soon as you get paid for it people start complaining. Nurses that complain all the time most likely would complain about any job that they had. ive done yard work, taught tennis and golf, been a waiter, bar tended and its the same everywhere. heck my dads a successful surgeon and complains about his job. stick to it and have a good attitude and yes you can make a difference. its more so the lifestyle that i think they are upset with. they work, go out and drink, sleep around, dont get married, get a couple STDs along the way, maybe take some diet pills which trash their hormones because they dont have the self restraint to not eat Mackers (Micky Ds) and or get some sort of physical fitness in the day. Id be upset with my life/job also.

Quote from dmoney8827It seems like a majority of the threads are about how BAD nursing is and not how good it is. I'm currently a student and chose nursing for the following reasons.-Job security-Well compensated (to me at least; I have never made over $8.50 an hour)-Flexibility-The fact that your job actually makes a difference.I don't get how a job you have to get a degree for can be so negatively portrayed. It can't be THAT bad, can it?

Quote from dhellwegeNursing is a job and people love to complain about their jobs. Nurses that complain all the time most likely would complain about any job that they had. ive done yard work, taught tennis and golf, been a waiter, bar tended and its the same everywhere. heck my dads a successful surgeon and complains about his job. stick to it and have a good attitude and yes you can make a difference. its more so the lifestyle that i think they are upset with. they work, go out and drink, sleep around, dont get married, get a couple STDs along the way, maybe take some diet pills which trash their hormones because they dont have the self restraint to not eat Mackers (Micky Ds) and or get some sort of physical fitness in the day. Id be upset with my life/job also.

funny... you sound exactly like me BEFORE i entered nursing school... you even have the same reasons including the feeling like our job makes a difference..In my honest and humble opinion, it all depends where you end up working that either makes or breaks you. You can either really love your job or really hate it.

I think you may end up being one of the disillusioned -Job security-Well compensated (to me at least; I have never made over $8.50 an hour)-Flexibility-The fact that your job actually makes a difference.
Author: alice  3-06-2015, 16:54   Views: 683   
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